Agrisia Humic

Agrisia Humic

AGRISIA HUMIC is a high quality, concentrated, soluble source of Potassium Humate extracted from American Leonardite rich in Cellulose, Hemicellulose, Lignines and Pectins.

The wet chemistry extraction process enhances its abilities viz. Cation Exchange Capacity, Buffering, Chelation and Complexation with micronutrients.

The product is developed to fertigate in soil grown crops and for application via soil injection.

Benefits of Agrisia Humic

Increased Cation Exchange Capacity of Soils

Reduction in Leaching of nutrients by natural complexation

Increased Nutrient Use Efficiency

Natural Chelation of micronutrients in alkaline soils

Increased Root Growth and general plant performance

Increased Soil Organic Carbon Content

Product Characteristics

  • Total Humic Extracts = >85% w/w
  • Fulvic Acid = 3% w/w
  • Humic Acid = 82% w/w
  • Potassium Oxide = 12% w/w
  • Organic Carbon = >48% w/w
  • Solubility = 259 g/l

Dosing Instructions

1 Apply AGRISIA HUMIC through fertigation @ 1kg per acre periodically during critical growth phases of crops. In case of crops grown on soils with organic carbon content less than 1.5 per cent, apply with a greater frequency along with the micronutrient elements.

2 Avoid mixing with calcium and sulphate containing fertilizers as they may cause precipitation of highly active humic substances in this product.

Pack Size – 0.5 kg